Martin Lawrence - Candle Burning to petition the Male Saints
Good evening. Now, I learned about Martin Lawrence - Candle Burning to petition the Male Saints. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Candle Burning to petition the Male SaintsLast Nan I explained how to request for retrial the female Saints with extra requests. This time nearby I'll furnish some instruction on how to ask to be put in the cosmic care of the Male Saints . These are very ancient pagan rituals, which have been popularized by the Christian Church. The basic methodology is to put your ask under the appropriately coloured candle on the recommend day of the week along with an image of the Saint (which you can often find on the Internet) and/or a sticker or sticker that represents the Saint.
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Saint Anthony of Padua
On a Tuesday burn a brown candle for extra requests, a green candle for financial help or an orange candle to find a husband. St. Anthony's is a wonderworker when it comes to looking lost articles, improving the memory and bringing back a strayed lover. His sticker is the lily.
Saint Alphonsu Liguori
On a Thursday, light a purple candle to ask for help with sore, aching muscles, joint pain and arthritis. Anyone to do with the bones.
Saint Aloysius
Burn a blue candle on a Wednesday to decide domestic disputes and also banish flu, fevers and contagious diseases.
Saint Bartholomew
On a Tuesday burn a red candle and ask this Saint to reveal the truth to you if you feel like something is being secret or concealed from you. You can also ask him for protection from violence, violent death and protection and curative while undergoing surgery. His sticker is the butcher knife.
Saint Benedict
Burns a white candle on a Saturday to ask for protection against a collection of evil influences: against poisons, evil temptations, contagious diseases, protection while storms, and assistance while times of curative and death. Saint Benedict also helps heal animals and increase prosperity. His sticker is a raven or a broken cup....
Saint Alex
On a Sunday, burn a pink candle to ask for protection from astral attack, violence and enemies. His sticker is a crucifix.
Saint Blais
On a Wednesday burn a blue candle to increase positive communication and self-expression. He also helps with diseases of the throat. His sticker is a comb or two unlit crossed candles.
Saint Florian
Burn a red or orange candle on a Sunday to protect the home and for help with any kind of accident that has to do with home such as a flood, fire, bankruptcy, infestation etc. His sticker is a burning house.
Saint Christopher
No Wednesday burn a red candle for protection from accidents, sudden death, and against storms. Christopher protects motorists and travellers so he is the one to pray to for a safe journey.
Saints Cosme and Damian
Burn two green candles on a Wednesday for help with doctors and health, to get a strict determination and for general physical protection. He can also clear obstacles from you path.
Saint Cipriano
On a Saturday burn a Purple candle to protection from womanizers, liars, cheaters, and negative attitudes. He helps homeless population and those who have been convicted from getting a heavy sentence.
Saint Expedite
On a Thursday light a yellow candle to decide disputes, curse your enemy and to reverse a negative situation around. This is who you request for retrial to if you need things to convert quickly or suddenly.
Saint Gerard Majella
On a Monday, light a white candle to request for retrial to become pregnant. He also helps the falsely accused be declared innocent. He also assists mediums, prophets, psychics and clairvoyants in looking the truth.
Saint Francis of Assisi
On a Monday light a brown candle to request for retrial for peace, friction resolution and to gain spiritual wisdom. He helps to reveal and dismantle evil plots. He is also an environmentalist and is involved with matters of ecology and conservation.
Saint George
On Tuesday, light a red candle to conquer fears, derive courage and to overcome jealousy. His sticker is the slaying of a dragon.
Saint Ignatius
On a Saturday light a white candle to protect the house from burglary and evil spirits. His sticker is a book and a plum
Saint James the Greater
Light a red candle on a Tuesday to clear obstacles from your path, conquer or take off enemies and for justice to prevail. His sticker is a cockleshell
Saint John the Baptist
On a Tuesday light a green candle to request for retrial him for good luck, fertility, prosperity and protection from enemies.
Saint John Bosco
On a Sunday, light a yellow candle to request for retrial him for favours to do with children, students and educational matters.
Saint Joseph
Light a yellow candle on a Sunday for help with selling a home, looking job, for protection and a happy marriage. His sticker is a lily or a pitcher with a loaf of bread.
Saint Lawrence
Light a red candle on Wednesday to request for retrial for a peaceful, happy home and family, for financial assistance and spiritual strength.
Saint Jude
Light green, white and red candles on a Sunday to request for retrial for a miracle: for hopeless cases that seem impossible, to help with addictions or to help man get out of jail.
Saint Lazarus
Light a yellow candle on a Sunday to ask for help with sickness, disease, addictions, and better health and to derive prosperity.
Saint Martin De Porres
Light a purple and white candle on a Thursday to bring harmony to your household. You can also request for retrial him for better health and increased financial security. His sticker is a broom and a crucifix.
Saint Martin Caballero
On a Tuesday light a red or white candle to ask for protection from evil, to rescue man from evil influences and/or to draw customers to your business. request for retrial him for money, luck prosperity.
Saint Patrick
On a Sunday light a white candle for prosperity, luck spiritual wisdom and guidance. His sticker is a shamrock and a saint.
Saint Paul
On a Tuesday light a blue or a red candle for courage, patience, overcome opposition and to decide disturbed conditions in the home.
Saint Peter
Light a red and a white candle to request for retrial him to take off obstacles, enterprise success, strength, courage, forgiveness and good fortune. His sticker is two crossed keys.
Saint Peregrine
On a Sunday light a white candle to request for retrial him for help with cancer.
Saint Pius the Tenth
On a Sunday light a white candle to ask for extra favours to be granted by those in authourity (such as a boss or government agency.)
Saint Raymond Nonnatus
Light a red candle to prevent gossip, false accusation and for a happy and peaceful home.
Saint Louis Beltran
Light a white candle for help studying languages and protection from evil, accidents, sickness and enemies. He is the one you invoke when children are possessed by spirits.
Saint Roc
On a Wednesday light a yellow candle to restore health and to be protected from contagious diseases.
His sticker is a dog.
Saint Sebastian
Light a red candle on a Tuesday to request for retrial for justice, to overcome rivals, take off obstacles from your path, success and good fortune. His sticker is arrows.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Light a white candle on a Monday to heighten attentiveness and memory, for understanding, for reasoning endurance and to help pass exams.
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